Ayurvedic Hair Care

Tried and Trusted: Indian home remedies for hair growth and thickness

Tried and Trusted: Indian home remedies for hair growth and thickness
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Who doesnt want luscious locks?! We are all on the hunt for top methods that will improve hair health, boost hair growth and avoid hair loss.

Well, India, known for its rich cultural tapestry and age-old traditions, boasts a plethora of time-tested remedies for various ailments which nestled amongst them are invaluable treatments for healthy hair and promoting hair growth.

For centuries, Indian households, in tandem with ayurvedic remedies, have passed down natural remedies to enhance hair growth and even hair thickness too. Let's explore some of these tried and trusted remedies for luscious locks.

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Ayurvedic hair treatments

Ayurveda, an ancient medical system that originated in India around 5,000 years ago, is hailed as one of the earliest holistic approaches to health and wellness. Rooted in the belief of achieving harmony between the body, mind, and spirit, Ayurveda offers powerful solutions that target the fundamental causes of ailments rather than just addressing surface symptoms. This deep-rooted philosophy not only provides remedies for health issues but also imparts wisdom on beauty and personal care.

Unlike the fleeting solutions often found on drugstore shelves, Ayurveda taps into the power of nature. It utilizes simple, yet potent, natural ingredients which are not only effective in addressing specific issues but also confer broader health benefits.

This age-old wisdom provides a treasure trove of recipes that can be whipped up right in the comfort of one's kitchen. By using high-quality ingredients, one can ensure the purest form of care without any adulteration or synthetic additives.

Ayurveda's core teachings is that achieving harmony within the body and mind inevitably reflects in the vitality of one's hair and scalp, paving the way for optimal hair health and promotes hair growth.

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Vata Hair Characteristics

Those predominantly influenced by the Vata dosha possess a unique constitution shaped by the elements of air and ether. When in balance, such individuals often sport hair with a natural wave, accompanied by a scalp inclined towards dryness.

One distinguishing feature of Vata hair is its porosity, making it adept at absorbing products and dyes. However, this very trait means that pollutants, toxins, and other environmental aggressors can easily penetrate the hair shaft, rendering it susceptible to damage and hair breakage.

An imbalance in the Vata dosha can disrupt hair health, manifesting as an unnaturally oily scalp accompanied by itchy dandruff, increased hair fall, or slowed hair growth and hair regrowth.

Pitta Hair Attributes

Individuals governed by the Pitta dosha have a constitution dominated by elements of fire, combined with either water or air. Those with a harmonized Pitta dosha typically enjoy straight, lustrous hair that feels silky to the touch.

Due to their typically dense hair follicles, Pitta individuals' hair shows moderate resistance to hair dyes and external applications. This inherent density serves as a protective barrier, safeguarding the hair from pollutants and environmental toxins.

However, when Pitta is out of balance, it can wreak havoc on hair health. Depending on the specific elemental combinations, the scalp may swing between extremes of dryness and oiliness. Moreover, imbalances can lead to increased hair fall or stunted hair growth.

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Kapha Hair Features

The Kapha dosha, characterized by the elements of earth and water, gives individuals naturally curly locks, often coarse in texture. A well-balanced Kapha individual tends to have an oil-rich scalp.

Given the dense nature of Kapha hair follicles, this hair type often displays resistance to nutrient absorption and dyes. When out of balance, Kapha hair can lose its robustness, becoming fragile, and more prone to breakage.

While Kapha types are generally less prone to hair loss, they may find that their hair takes its time in the growth department.

Recognizing and catering to one's dominant dosha not only helps in nurturing the hair but also offers a window into maintaining overall harmony and well-being. Whether you're a Vata, Pitta, or Kapha type, embracing your Ayurvedic hair characteristics can lead to a journey of holistic beauty and health.

Home Remedies for hair healthy

Below are some recipes you can do right at home!

1. Amla (Indian Gooseberry) Amla, or the Indian gooseberry, is one of the most celebrated ingredients in Ayurveda. Rich in Vitamin C, it strengthens hair follicles and reduces hair thinning.

How to Use: Mix amla powder with lemon juice to make a paste. Apply this to your scalp and hair. Leave it on for about an hour, then rinse it off with cool water.

2. Fenugreek Seeds (Methi) Fenugreek seeds are rich in folic acid, Vitamin A, Vitamin K, and Vitamin C. They also have a high protein content, which is beneficial for hair growth.

How to Use: Soak fenugreek seeds overnight. Grind them into a paste the next morning and apply it to your scalp and hair. After an hour, rinse it off with a mild shampoo.

3. Coconut Oil and Curry Leaves Coconut oil nourishes the scalp and hair with its rich content of antioxidants and fatty acids. Curry leaves, on the other hand, prevent hair graying and thinning.

How to Use: Heat coconut oil and add a handful of curry leaves. Let them pop and turn black. Cool and strain the oil. Massage it into your scalp and hair. After an hour, wash it off.

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4. Neem Leaves Known for their antifungal and antibacterial properties, neem leaves can combat dandruff, which often hinders hair growth.

How to Use: Boil neem leaves in water until the water turns green. Cool, strain, and use it as a rinse after shampooing.

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5. Hibiscus Flower Hibiscus flower is another powerhouse for hair. It rejuvenates the scalp, promotes healthy hair growth,, and prevents premature graying.

How to Use: Crush a few hibiscus flowers and mix them with coconut oil or sesame oil to form a paste. Apply it to your hair and scalp. Rinse after an hour.

The Mind-Body Connection and Hair Health

At the heart of Ayurveda lies the understanding that our physical health is deeply intertwined with our mental and emotional well-being.

This holistic understanding suggests that our emotional and mental states can directly impact the health and vitality of our hair.

Nurturing mental well-being isn't just about feeling good; it's foundational for optimal physical health, including that of your hair.

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Hair Nutrition from the Inside Out

Ayurveda emphasizes that true beauty and health emanate from within. For lustrous, strong hair, the roots must be well-nourished from the inside.

Here’s how you can feed your hair:

  • A Healthy Diet: Consume foods that are specific to your dosha. Vatas benefit from substantial, nourishing foods, while pittas should seek cooling, calming foods. Kaphas, on the other hand, are best served with bitter or astringent foods. Ensure your diet is replete with vitamins, minerals, and adequate protein.

  • Healthy Fats: Integrate a moderate amount of healthful fats such as ghee or nuts. These not only support overall body health but also lead to a lustrous hair sheen.

  • Digestive Boosters: Incorporate spices like cumin, turmeric, ginger, and honey to stimulate digestion and optimize nutrient absorption.

The Art of Hair Oiling and Cleansing

Hair oils are more than mere cosmetics in Ayurveda, they are treatments. They feed the hair roots and nurture the scalp, fostering growth and enhancing existing hair health.

For vatas, almond or sesame oil is recommended, pittas benefit from coconut or almond oil, and kaphas might find olive oil most beneficial.

For optimal results, it's advisable to oil the hair twice a week, followed by a shampoo. Over-washing can strip the hair of essential oils, hindering its growth potential.

The Magic of Scalp Massage

Ayurvedic suggests scalp massage! Not only does it invigorate the hair follicles, but is relaxing.

Shankara and Hair growth

Unleash the true potential of your hair with Shankara's Hair and Scalp Oil. Expertly crafted from a blend of nature's finest ingredients, this luxurious oil promises to transform your hair health from root to tip.

This nourishing oil is meticulously designed to strengthen, hydrate, and rejuvenate each strand. Then, beyond mere hair health, the oil offers a therapeutic touch to your scalp, combating dryness, ensuring optimal follicle function aid hair growth, and promoting a healthy environment for hair growth.

It can be used as a pre-shampoo treatment, an overnight hair mask, or a daily moisturizer! Let Shankara's Hair and Scalp Oil be your secret weapon for radiant, resilient hair that reflects inner health and beauty.


These Indian home remedies for hair growth and thickness are not just effective but are also free from harmful chemicals found in many commercial products. While results may vary depending on the individual's hair type and the root cause of hair problems, consistency in application is key to witnessing visible changes.

Remember, alongside these remedies, a balanced diet, adequate water intake, and proper hair hygiene play crucial roles in maintaining hair health. It’s always wise to conduct a patch test before trying any new ingredient on your scalp, to ensure you don't have an allergic reaction.

With patience and persistence, you can embrace the wisdom of Indian traditions and work towards achieving the thick, lustrous mane you've always desired.

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