Natural Skin Care

23 Natural Skin Care Tips For Radiant Skin

Elevate your skincare game.
23 Natural Skin Care Tips For Radiant Skin

News flash: Chemicals are hurting your skin!

Chemicals crammed inside skin products are likely the offenders of your skin breakouts, rashes, and other issues. 

The answer to radiant skin is WAY less complicated than you think. To achieve radiant skin, the optimal approach is to scale back and opt for natural products that support your skin and body. Our skin is delicate and precious, and it's our job to protect it! 

To achieve that healthy, glowing skin you’ve always wanted, it's time to partner up with nature through chemical-free skin care products and consistent, healthy routines.

If you’re ready to make the move away from the countless harsh chemicals and try a more holistic approach, you’ve come to the right place. Read on to learn our top natural skin care tips for radiant skin! 

What Is Natural Skin Care?

“Clearer skin in just 5 days!” Many skin care products that boast fast results have another hidden truth: they are laden with chemicals, and using them comes at the expense of your long-term health. Chemicals like petroleum, parabens, and phthalates are all too common, despite research linking them to serious illnesses.

The alternative is natural products that rely on plants and botanicals to work harmoniously with our bodies, delivering essential nutrients, enzymes, and vitamins.

Some ingredients derived from the earth that your skin will simply adore are: 

  • Natural oils such as coconut, jojoba, or olive

  • Witch hazel 

  • Essential oils 

  • Natural butter 

  • Aloe Vera

  • Argan Oil

Eucalyptus and other natural ingredients for skin care

11 Natural Skin Care Tips 

Natural ingredients must be paired with healthy habits and routines for the most radiant, healthiest skin!  Here are our top 11 natural skin care tips to get you started:

1. Why Is Understanding Your Skin Type Crucial?

One must first understand their skin type to craft a personalized and highly effective skincare routine. 

Identifying whether your skin is oily, dry, combination, or sensitive enables you to select products and customize your regimen to suit its specific requirements. 

To deepen your understanding of your skin, watch how it responds to:

  • Seasonal changes: Does your skin become drier in winter or oilier in summer?

  • Hormonal fluctuations: Do you notice breakouts or increased sensitivity during certain times of the month

  • Lifestyle choices: How do your diet, stress levels, or sleep habits impact your skin's appearance?

By gaining insight into your skin's unique characteristics and responses, you can provide it with the care and nourishment it needs to thrive.

Don’t know your skin type? Use our comprehensive quiz to find out!

various types of doshas and skin care

2. How Can Hydration Improve Your Skin?

Sip your way to dewy, supple skin! 

Drinking sufficient H20 will keep your skin hydrated, as the water floods your cells with revitalizing hydration. Drinking a sufficient amount of water (at least 8-10 large cups!) throughout the day helps to flush out toxins, improve skin elasticity, and promote a healthy glow.

Compliment your water intake with natural moisturizers. Luscious moisturizers create a protective barrier on the skin's surface, sealing in precious moisture and shielding against environmental stressors. Look for skin care products that have natural hydrating ingredients such as aloe vera or shea butter. 

These two form an unbeatable hydrating duo, leaving your skin looking plump and resilient. 

young woman drinking water and hydrating her skin

3. Don't Give Up, Stay Consistent

Like most things in life, consistency is key to seeing results.

Establish a personalized regimen to follow daily and stick to it to enable your skin to fully benefit from the products you use. 

A complete skincare routine should look like:

  • Cleansing: Removes dirt, oil, and impurities, preparing the skin for subsequent steps.

  • Toning: Balances the skin's pH, tightens pores, and provides additional nourishment.

  • Moisturizing: Hydrates and locks in moisture, shielding the skin from environmental stressors.

  • Exfoliating: Expels dead skin cells, unclogs pores, and encourages cell turnover for smoother, brighter skin.

Do your best to follow this routine every morning and night. Consistency allows the active ingredients in your products to work effectively over time, leading to visible improvements in your skin's health and appearance. 

Searching for a natural skin care routine? We recommend Shankara's natural skin care products, starting with our Hydrating Cleanser, followed by the Daily Repair Serum, the Timeless Moisturizer, and our latest addition, our Gheesutrā Nourishing Exfoliator.

inforgraphic of Shankara Naturals Gheestura that has 100% natural ingredients

4. How Does Sun Protection Help Maintain Healthy Skin?

Remember being told this all the time as a kid?! Turns out, everyone was correct! 

Skin experts agree that SPF is incredibly important as it shields the skin from UV damage, which can lead to premature skin aging and even skin cancer. Sunscreen should be applied year-round to protect the skin. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, daily sunscreen application can reduce the risk of squamous cell carcinoma by 40% and melanoma by 50%. 

To effectively protect your skin from the sun exposure you:

  • Select a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 that can protect against both UVA and UVB rays.

  • Cover all exposed areas of the skin, including the face, neck, ears, and hands, with sunscreen.

  • Reapply sunscreen every two hours, or more frequently if swimming or sweating excessively.

  • Stay in the shade during peak sun hours (10 am and 4 pm) and always don protective gear, like wide-brimmed hats and long-sleeved shirts.

Older woman applying sunscreen, protecting her self and her skin

5. Why Is Smoking Bad For The Skin? 

We all know smoking is not great for our health. But did you know it's terrible for the skin?  

Smoking indeed makes your skin appear older while increasing wrinkles, as it narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outermost layers of the skin, lowering blood flow while making the skin appear paler. 

Chemicals in cigarette smoke can degrade collagen and elastin, resulting in premature wrinkles, sagging skin, and an uneven skin tone. Research indicates that smoking can accelerate skin aging by as much as 10 years.

To avoid all this and to safeguard your skin and overall health, quit smoking. Seek support from friends, family, or professionals to help! When you quit, your skin will gradually begin to recover, potentially leading to enhancements in texture, tone, and overall radiance.

no smoking sign

6. How Can You Be Gentle With Your Skin?

Over time, daily cleansing can take a toll on your skin. Here are some tips to be gentle with your skin:

  • Limiting bath time/ long showers as they can remove necessary oils from your skin.

  • Avoiding strong soaps that can strip oil from your skin.

  • When shaving, use shaving cream, lotion, or gel before 

  • and shave in the direction the hair grows.

  • After washing, gently pat or blot your skin dry with a towel to maintain moisture. 

When it comes to exfoliation, less is often more. Over-exfoliating can damage the skin's protective barrier, leading to sensitivity and irritation.

Limit exfoliation to once or twice a week, using gentle, natural exfoliants like oatmeal or jojoba beads. Be extra gentle on delicate areas like the under-eye region.

White woman wearing robe relaxing after gently exfoliating her skin with natural products

7. Why Diversify Your Diet?

Your diet plays a significant role in your skin's health! 

Thankfully, nature’s bounty is bursting with skin-loving foods, particularly:

  • Packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and nutrients, vegetables like leafy kale, broccoli, carrots, and bell peppers support collagen production, safeguard against oxidative damage and free radicals, and help maintain skin strength. 

  • Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce inflammation and maintain skin moisture.

  • Avocados are packed with healthy fats, vitamin E, and vitamin C, all of which promote skin elasticity and collagen production.

  • Berries are packed with antioxidants that protect the skin from free radical damage and premature aging.

  • Leafy greens are loaded with vitamins A, C, and K, promoting skin cell turnover and helping to reduce the appearance of dark spots.

leafy green vegetable that are great for reducing the appearance of dark spots

8. Why Should You Avoid Touching Your Face?

This one might feel obvious, but it's important. All day, your hands are exploring countless spaces full of bacteria, dirt, and oil accumulating on your fingertips. Each time you then touch your face, you displace that gunk to your skin, which can potentially spiral into a terrible breakout. 

Frequent touching of your face can lead to several consequences like,

  • Introducing acne-causing bacteria to the skin

  • Spreading existing breakouts to other areas

  • Aggravating sensitive or inflamed skin

  • Disrupting the skin's natural protective barrier

To minimize this habit:

  • Keep your hands clean by washing them regularly with soap and water

  •  Use a clean tissue or cloth to address sweat or itching

  • Be mindful of your hand movements and avoid touching your face

  • Use hands-free devices like headphones to reduce facial contact

Breaking the habit of touching your face can help prevent breakouts and maintain clearer, healthier skin.

black woman standing outside avoiding touching her face, keeping her skin acne free.

9. How Can A Daily Massage Routine Benefit Your Skin?

Massages are an oasis. They offer a precious break from reality, a chance to enjoy relaxing, soothing movements, decreasing tension, and increasing circulation. What would you say if we encouraged you to do this daily? Bliss, right?

Massages provide a relaxing and soothing experience that can offer several benefits:

  • Enhancing skin elasticity and firmness by stimulating collagen production

  • Reducing puffiness and dark circles through lymphatic drainage promotion

  • Improving skin care product absorption, allowing for deeper penetration

  •  Relieving stress and tension, fostering relaxation and well-being

Consider these effective massage techniques:

  1. Facial Gua Sha: This ancient Chinese practice uses a smooth stone tool to gently scrape the skin, promoting lymphatic drainage and reducing puffiness. The facial gua sha only asks for a few minutes daily, and the post-facial massage glow from the lymphatic drain and increased circulation is well worth it. 

  2. Shiro Abhyanga (Head Massage): An Ayurvedic head massage technique that relaxes the mind, improves circulation, and promotes healthy hair growth.

female woman having a practioner doing a facial gua sha massage

10. Why Is Sleep Important For Your Skin?

Sleep is incredibly important for our holistic health, as it deeply impacts our physical and mental health. It also has a direct impact on how our skin functions. 

Adequate sleep supports the skin as follows:

  • Increased production of collagen, keeping skin firm and elastic

  • Enhanced skin barrier function, retaining moisture and protecting against external stressors

  • Reduced inflammation and redness, regulating the immune system

  • Minimized dark circles and puffiness, reducing fluid retention around the eyes

To support skin health and overall well-being, aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Establish a consistent sleep schedule and create a relaxing bedtime routine, such as taking a warm bath or practicing meditation, to help you unwind and prepare for restful sleep.

comfortable white bed sheets

11. Make It Yourself!

DYing natural skin care products can be a lot of fun and results in 100% natural products that you won't feel nervous to apply on your skin. 

The benefits of DIY natural skin care products include:

  • Not putting potentially harmful chemicals, preservatives, and fragrances found in some commercial products onto the skin.

  • Saving money by swapping for simple, cost-effective ingredients.

  • Customizing recipes to address specific skin concerns, such as dryness, oiliness, or sensitivity.

    white female with brunette hair wearing a robe applying an avocado diy face mask natural skin care

To begin making your DIY natural skin care products, start with these simple recipes:

Honey and Oatmeal Face Mask

Mix 1 tbsp raw honey with 1 tbsp finely ground oats. Apply to damp skin and leave on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing off. This mask gently exfoliates and nourishes the skin.

Rosehip and Vitamin E Serum

 Combine 1 oz rosehip oil with the contents of 2 vitamin E capsules. Apply a few drops to clean skin morning and night to help brighten and moisturize the complexion.

Peppermint and Sugar Lip Scrub

Mix 1 tbsp sugar with 1 tsp coconut oil and 2-3 drops of peppermint essential oil. Gently massage onto lips for 1-2 minutes, then rinse off. This scrub helps exfoliate and moisturize dry, chapped lips.

Always remember to patch-test new products before applying them to your face and store your homemade creations in clean, airtight containers to maintain their freshness and effectiveness.

Click here to learn a wide range of DIY recipes for every skin type! 

3 Natural Tips For Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin needs to be cared for with care and special attention to avoid irritation, redness, and discomfort. To support it, try these 3 general skin care tips!

Stay Cool

If you have sensitive skin, avoid hot places! This includes not washing with hot water, and not turning up the heat too much in the shower/bath. If your skin flares up, apply a cool cloth. 

Use a Calming Mask

Shankara’s Calming Mask gives immediate relief to sensitive skin. Best used weekly, this mask is infused with soothing blue chamomile and cucumber, enhanced with nourishing coconut oil, and finished off with cooling aloe vera. After use, your skin will feel calm, soft, and revitalized. 

Apply Honey to Dry Patches

Honey has emollient and humectant properties that soften the skin while retaining moisture. Honey’s inherent qualities allow it to be applied sparingly to the dry areas of irritated skin, leaving it on for several minutes before rinsing it off.

3 Natural Tips For Oily Skin

Oily skin, when unbalanced, results in excessive shine and enlarged pores, breakouts, and an unbalanced complexion. But, with the right approach, oily skin can be managed effectively, leading to a clearer, more radiant complexion.

Exfoliate regularly 

Exfoliating sheds dead skin cells, unclogs pores, maintains skin balance, and eliminates surface debris, including dead skin cells and dirt, which is helpful for oily skin. 

Use Face Masks 

1-2 times a week, use a natural face mask to open pores, hydrate, and tighten the skin. The Deep Pore Cleansing Mask is a great starting place, as it has clay which draws out excess oil and reduces the shine.

Opt for Alcohol-Free Toner

Avoid products containing alcohol or other drying agents like peppermint or camphor, as they may worsen oil production.

Shankaras Natural Deep Pore Cleansing Mask

3 Natural Tips for Combination Skin

Combination skin is the most common type of skin, characterized by a mix of dry and oily areas. Typically, the cheeks are drier, while the forehead, nose, and chin (the T-zone), tend to be oilier. Sebum production is generally lower across the face, but higher in the T-zone. 

Move your body

Exercise is beneficial for all skin types, but especially for combination skin. Physical activity boosts blood circulation, shuttling nutrients to skin cells while removing waste products, such as free radicals, resulting in more balanced and vibrant skin.

Reduce Stress 

Stress hormones can stimulate the sebaceous glands, increasing oil production and worsening common skin conditions, like acne and eczema. Incorporating stress-reducing habits into your daily routine, such as morning meditation, after-work yoga, or mindful walks in nature, can help maintain healthier skin.

Watch the temperature! 

When washing your face, pay attention! Hot water upsets the protective barrier of your skin, dries out your drier areas even more, and aggravates your T-zone. Stick to lukewarm water when rinsing your face. 

white female cleansing her skin with natural cleanser

3 Natural Tips for Normal Skin

Normal skin is balanced skin, typically neither too dry nor too oily. This kind of skin does not tend to break out, flake, or feel greasy or tight. There is a lot you can do to maintain this!

Clean your tools! 

Makeup brushes, bags, and sponges collect bacteria, dead skin cells, oil, and grime—all of which can upset your skin and lead to unwanted breakouts. These tools need to be washed regularly, at least once a week. 

Refresh with Rose Spritz 

This is an amazing way to refresh and rehydrate your normal skin! Shankara's Rose Facial Mist is soothing, calming, and rejuvenating, and can be used with or without makeup. 

Shankara Natural Rose Spritz

Use Natural Face Masks Weekly

Treat your skin to a natural ingredient face mask once or twice a week to help nourish and revitalize your skin!

Asian woman wearing a natural face mask in her bathroom relaxing

Build Your Natural Skin Care Routine 

infographic on natural skin care routine

1. Cleanse in the AM and PM

For optimal skin, cleanse your face in the morning and night. This helps remove dirt, makeup, and residual products, keeping your skin clear and preparing it for more skin care products. 

2. Exfoliate Occasionally 

Exfoliating your skin helps remove dead cells and unclog pores, leaving your skin smoother, brighter, and more radiant. Treat it as a periodic nighttime indulgence for your skin.
Shankara’s Microcrystal Exfoliator is a gentle enough skin polish that can be used by any skin type, using ultra-fine silica crystals combined with aloe gel and five algae extracts to gently sluff away dry dead cells.

3. Use a Serum in the AM and PM 

Serums are potent with active ingredients that impact the skin's deeper layers.  Serums are concentrated formulas designed to target specific skin concerns. 

4. Moisturize in the AM and PM 

Moisturizing is essential for all skin types, morning and night. 

Yes, even more, oily or acne-prone skin needs hydration to lock in and retain moisture for glowing healthy skin. 

Oily skin benefits from oil-free, non-comedogenic formulas, like hydrating gel moisturizers. Dry skin needs oil-based moisturizers, and adding a hyaluronic acid serum before a cream can enhance moisture retention. Combination/normal skin does well with a gel cream during the day and an oil-based moisturizer at night! 

Shankara Moisturizers are lavish, silky, and bursting with active ingredients and beneficial antioxidants. We emulsify them at low temperatures using only a small amount of pure vegetable wax and lecithin. This makes a light cream that feels like a lotion, without the typical heaviness. 

5. Apply an Eye Cream  in the AM and PM

Eye cream is designed for the delicate skin around your eyes, helping to plump fine lines and reduce dark circles.

Choose a product that addresses your specific needs, such as fine lines, texture, bags, or dark circles! Shankara has an Ageless Eye Cream that focuses on revitalizing the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and dark circles.

white woman applying a shankara natural ageless eye cream supporting fine lines and dark circles.

6. Apply a Face Mask Occasionally 

Face masks are made to address specific skin concerns, such as dehydration, calming the skin, and treating acne, or excess oil/sebum.

Face masks are infused with potent, active ingredients that penetrate the skin, providing effective and often immediate results. Depending on your skin condition and needs, face masks can be applied 1 -3 times weekly.

four types of Shanakra  Natural Face face masks on hand

Frequently Asked Questions 

What are considered natural skin care ingredients?

Natural skin care ingredients are those derived from plants, minerals, and other naturally occurring sources. These ingredients are free from synthetic chemicals and additives.

Are natural skin care ingredients safe?

Yes, typically, natural skin care ingredients are considered safe. However, natural doesn't mean risk-free, as some natural ingredients can cause irritations or allergic reactions for some. Always do a patch test for potential allergies or sensitivities, by applying the product to a discreet area and wait 24 hours to see how your skin reacts. 

Why is using natural skin care ingredients better than using chemical ingredients?

Natural skin care ingredients are abundant in good vitamins, antioxidants, and other nutrients that nourish and protect your skin. Natural ingredients are gentle and kind to your skin. They are also more sustainable so you can feel good about supporting the planet! 

How does sunscreen protect the skin?

Sunscreen works by either absorbing or reflecting UV radiation, stopping it from reaching the deeper layers of the skin. 

How long does it take for natural skin care to work? 

The timeline varies depending on the product you use, your unique skin troubles, and how consistent you are with your routine. Some products may show noticeable improvements within a few weeks, while others may require more extended use.

Can natural skin care products be as effective as conventional products? 

Yes, natural skin care products can be just as effective as their conventional counterparts. Many natural ingredients have been scientifically proven to provide significant benefits for the skin. For instance, vitamin C, a natural antioxidant found in many fruits and vegetables, has been shown to stimulate collagen production, brighten the complexion, and protect against environmental damage (Pullar et al., 2017). The key is to choose high-quality, well-formulated natural products that contain active ingredients at effective concentrations.

Less is Always More 

To achieve radiant skin, remind yourself that less is always more! Choose skin care products that are natural and clean, with minimal ingredients, and keep your beauty routines uncomplicated but consistent. What is your coveted natural skin care tip? Comment below!


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Marissa Del Mistro
Marissa Del Mistro writer Marissa Del Mistro is a writer and editor with diverse interests. When she's not pursuing writing, she enjoys cooking, listening to podcasts, and traveling. She lives in the unceded traditional territories of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh Nations, where she loves to explore her gorgeous surroundings.